There are many Windows shortcuts that may help you save time and operate more efficiently to get work done. Type the keys:
1. Windows Key+F=Start a Search
2. Windows Key+M=Minimize all currently open windows.
3. Ctrl+C=Copy
4. Ctrl+X=Cut
5. Ctrl+V=Paste
6. Alt+Esc=Switch between applications.
7. Windows Key+D=Hide/display all windows.
8. Alt+F4=Exit the current window or application.
9. Windows Key+F1 or just F1=Open Windows help.
10. Shift+Delete=Permanently delete a file.
11. Alt+Enter=Display the properties of a file.
12. F5=Refresh a window.
13. Shift=Stops a CD from playing in Windows Media Player when you put it into the CD drive.
14. Open My Computer=Windows Key+E
15. Windows Key+U=Open Utility Manager
Hidden Applications In Windows
1. Press the Windows key and R. Type in and press enter for:
2. cmd-command prompt
3. devmgmt.msc-Device Manager
4. winword-Microsoft Word (if it is installed on your computer)
5. notepad
6. wordpad
7. calc-Windows calculator
8. wmplayer-Windows Media Player
9. control-Control Panel
10. cleanmgr-Disk Cleanup
11. dxdiag-Direct X Testing
12. iexpress-Create a self-installing package
13. mplay32-Old version of Windows Media Player
14. perfmon-System Performance Monitor
15. regedit-Registry Editor
16. sndvol32-Volume Control
17. telnet-Microsoft Telenet
18. msconfig-Computer Configuration Settings